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privacy policy

Moon Boheme is committed to maintaining the privacy of our customers and protecting the personal information you provide. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you of the nature, scope and purpose of our collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

How Is Your Information Obtained?

Your information is obtained when you visit our website, when you contact Moon Boheme regarding the products that we sell and when you register your details for our newsletter.

What Information Do We Obtain?

When you purchase, or attempt to make a purchase from Moon Boheme, we collect information from you. This information includes your name, billing and shipping address, your payment information, (including payment card details), email address and telephone number. This information is referred to as “Order information.”

We also automatically collect “Device Information” from your device when you visit Moon Boheme. This information includes details regarding your web browser and IP address. We also obtain information regarding the cookies that are installed on your device. Information regarding the individual web pages or products that you view on Moon Boheme, and information regarding how you interact with the website will also be obtained.

How Do We Use The Information We Obtain?

We use the Order Information that we collect to fulfil any orders placed with Moon Boheme. This information includes processing your payment information, arranging the posting of your purchases and providing you with invoices and order confirmations.

We also use this Order Information to:
Communicate with you, our customer
To share information or advertising relating to our products

Device Information, (in particular your IP address), is used to help us screen for potential fraud and risk to our company. The device information gathered will also help us to optimise our website. This includes generating analytics about how our customers browse and interact with our website. This will allow us to see the success of our marketing and will allow us to design successful marketing campaigns.

Sharing Your Information

Moon Boheme will never sell or rent any of your personal information to third parties. We will never share any of your personal information for marketing purposes. We only share your address with our delivery partners for delivery purposes only. We never share your account or payment details with our delivery partner.

We also use Google Analytics to help us understand how our customers use Moon Boheme – you can read more about how Google uses your Personal Information by reading their privacy policy . This means that your information will allow us to track the interactions of our customers. We use the information gathered through Google Analytics to better understand how you find and use our web pages. It also allows us to work out which products are viewed most often. This allows us to ensure that we stock products that our customers want. It also allows us to tailor our website better in order to better fulfil our customer’s needs. Google Analytics do not record any information that could personally identify you. It only records data such as your IP address, your geographical location, your internet browser and operating system. However, Google does not allow us to have access to this information. If you do not want Google Analytics to track your visit to our website, you can disable the cookies on your Internet browser.


Cookies are small text files that are saved by websites on the hard drive of your computer or device when you visit a website. There are two main types of cookies. These are ‘session’ cookies and ‘persistent’ cookies. Session cookies are deleted when the user closes their browser. Persistent cookies remain until their pre-set expiry date. Like most websites, Moon Boheme uses both types of cookies on our website.

We also use cookies to analyse how our customers use our website. This gives us information regarding which pages are visited most often. This enables us to improve the user experience of our website. Cookies also collect details of your IP address, which allow us to see where our website is being accessed from. They do not, however, collect any details that can personally identify you.

Links to our Facebook & Instagram pages may use third-part cookies. This means that if you click one of these links, one or more cookies may be placed on your computer and these cookies are subject to the cookie policies of Facebook or Instagram. You can read the cookie policies of Facebook & Instagram on their websites.

By visiting Moon Boheme, you are agreeing to us placing cookies on your device and giving us access to them when you visit our website in the future. If you want to configure your web browser not to accept any cookies, you can delete any or all stored cookies from within your browser at any time. Although, disabling cookies may affect a website functionality. If you want more information about cookies, including how to delete or block them, you can do so by visiting theirPrivacy Policy

Data Retention

When you place an order with Moon Boheme, we will maintain your order information for our records. By keeping your data, we are able to fulfil our contract with you. It allows us to provide you with great products and allows us to deliver an excellent service. We will keep your information until we no longer have a relationship with you or until you ask us to delete your personal information from our records.

Your Choices

If you have subscribed to our newsletter, you can cancel your subscription from us at any time. You can do this:

By clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any email newsletter
By contacting us at
Once we hear from you we will remove you from our mailing lists and ensure you don’t receive any further marketing communications from us.

Links To Other Websites

Moon Boheme may contain links to other websites on our website. This privacy policy only covers Moon Boheme. We are unable to control the content or any links that appear on other websites. This is the responsibility of the other organisation. This means that the other organisation will have their own privacy policies on their websites, which we strongly recommend that you read before visiting their website. We are not responsible for the privacy policy of any third-party website.

Changes To Our Policy

Moon Boheme has the discretion to amend our privacy policy at any time. When we do make amends to this policy, we will show the date of the alterations at the bottom of this page. We strongly recommend that you check this page regularly for any amends to our privacy policy. This is so you are always fully informed of the ways we protect your personal data. By visiting our website, you are agreeing to our privacy policy. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please email us at

Policy Review

The last policy update took place November 2022.